( Comments due by Oct. 5, 2014 )
The dispute over the planned TTIP transatlantic free trade agreement between the European Union and the United States goes far beyond the treaty itself, the reason being the tradition in which TTIP is grounded.
It is merely the most recent acronym in a constantly expanding family of abbreviations, its best known members including GATT, TRIPS, GATS, MAI, ACTA, CETA and TPP*.
The kinship between these and other international agreements of the past quarter century is obvious from a number of common factors.
More than forty years have passed since the collapse of the Bretton Woods system for the regulation of international capital transactions.
Since then, the belief in free trade has dominated not only economic scholarship, but also economic policy in practice. This has led to growing inequality and numerous economic and currency crises.
Instability has become a permanent state. These consequences, and the fact that protectionist China and Lula da Silva’s free-trade-sceptical Brazil have managed to become industrial nations, have done nothing to alter the dominant free trade dogma.
The lack of theoretical prerequisites for a “comparative advantage” of international trade relations such as full employment and the absence of capital mobility have not led to a rethink.
Following the abandonment of the Bretton Woods coordination, international treaties have been used to implement free trade policy as extensively as possible. Once again, we can see – as Karl Polanyi described it in The Great Transformation – that the establishment and intensification of market relations is a politically motivated project.
One of the reasons for the popularity of international agreements is the possibility for discreet negotiations. Consultations and resolutions on free trade agreements are undertaken in elite circles and arranged outside the daily business of parliamentary politics.
Diplomacy, expertocracy and corporate lobbyism dominate the formulation of international agreements.
Liberated from already much maligned party politics and without direct democratic control, the stakes are hammered in in the field of summit diplomacy. It is only at the very end, once all the important decisions have been taken, that national parliaments give these agreements their blessings.
The task of the elected democratic organs is thus essentially that of adopting secretly negotiated contracts into national law.
For the financial big-hitters of corporate lobbying in particular, international free trade agreements offer the perfect stage. They are practically handed a one-stop-shop for their interests, and they profit from a favourable emphasis on the relevant agendas.
The strong focus on trade, economic and investment issues, for instance, means that subjects such as human rights, environmental protection and cultural policy are considered and discussed solely from this perspective.
In the context of TTIP, for example, references are made to “non-tariff barriers” inhibiting trade when discussing various social, environmental and human rights standards, or a “cultural exception”, meaning provisions for the promotion of cultural tradition and diversity.
Of course, such an approach will not necessarily lead per se to a levelling of these types of standards – however, the practical implementation dominated by corporate lobbying generally has exactly this consequence.
The kinship in terms of content and form between TTIP and its aforementioned predecessors makes the agreement an un-dead treaty returned from the grave.
Zombie clauses such as investment protection measures, which did not make their way into previous agreements due to widespread resistance, have reappeared in and around the TTIP negotiations. We are looking at a “recurring dynamic of progressing liberalization projects, their partial weakening after protests, and their repeated adoption” (Oliver Prausmüller and Alice Wagner, Reclaim Public Services, 2014).
A straightforward rejection of TTIP or even of individual clauses and regulation areas is therefore not a sustainable strategy, but merely fights the symptoms.
Equally, turning our backs on multilateralism and returning to our national comfort zones is of just as little use. What we need instead is an end to this type of agreement developed under the banner of free trade and under exclusion of the public.
What we are lacking is ecological, social, cultural and tax-justice agreements drawn up with broad democratic participation.
Free trade could well be a subject in this context, for instance as a non-tariff barrier inhibiting justice.
*GATT stands for General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (and led to the foundation of the World Trade Organization); TRIPS is a separately negotiated treaty in the GATT context on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights; GATS stands for General Agreement on Trade in Services; MAI stands for Multilateral Agreement on Investment (an ultimately failed attempt at a multilateral investment protection agreement); ACTA for the failed Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement; CETA stands for Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (between Canada and the EU); TTP refers to the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a free trade agreement between states in the Asia-Pacific region.