Saturday, October 4, 2014

The Rise of the Robot

                                                 (Comments due by Oct. 12, 2014)
For decades, people have been predicting how the rise of advanced computing and robotic technologies will affect our lives. On one side, there are warnings that robots will displace humans in the economy, destroying livelihoods, especially for low-skill workers. Others look forward to the vast economic opportunities that robots will present, claiming, for example, that they will improve productivity or take on undesirable jobs. The venture capitalist Peter Thiel, who recently joined the debate, falls into the latter camp, asserting that robots will save us from a future of high prices and low wages.
Figuring out which side is right requires, first and foremost, an understanding of the six ways that humans have historically created value: through our legs, our fingers, our mouths, our brains, our smiles, and our minds. Our legs and other large muscles move things to where we need them to be, so our fingers can rearrange them into useful patterns. Our brains regulate routine activities, keeping the leg- and finger-work on track. Our mouths – indeed, our words, whether spoken or written – enable us to inform and entertain one another. Our smiles help us to connect with others, ensuring that we pull roughly in the same direction. Finally, our minds – our curiosity and creativity – identify and resolve important and interesting challenges.
Thiel, for his part, refutes the argument – often made by robot doomsayers – that the impact of artificial intelligence and advanced robotics on the labor force will mirror globalization’s impact on advanced-country workers. Globalization hurt lower-skill workers in places like the United States, as it enabled people from faraway countries to compete for the leg-and-finger positions in the global division of labor. Given that these new competitors demanded lower wages, they were the obvious choice for many companies.
According to Thiel, the key difference between this phenomenon and the rise of robots lies in consumption. Developing-country workers took advantage of the bargaining power that globalization afforded them to gain resources for their own consumption. Computers and robots, by contrast, do not consume anything except electricity, even as they complete leg, finger, and even brain activities faster and more efficiently than humans would.
Here, Thiel offers an example from his experience as CEO of PayPal. Instead of having humans scrutinize every item in every batch of 1,000,000 transactions for indications of fraud, PayPal’s computers can approve the obviously legitimate transactions, and pass on the 1,000 or so that could be fraudulent for thoughtful consideration by a human. One worker and a computer system can thus do what PayPal would have had to hire 1,000 workers to do a generation ago. Given that the computer system does not need things like food, that thousand-fold increase in productivity will redound entirely to the benefit of the middle class.
Put another way, globalization lowered the wages of low-skill advanced-country workers because others would perform their jobs more cheaply, and then consume the value that they had created. Computers mean that higher-skill workers – and the lower-skill workers who remain to oversee the large robotic factories and warehouses – can spend their time on more valuable activities, assisted by computers that demand little.
Thiel’s argument may be correct. But it is far from airtight.
In fact, Thiel seems to be running into the old diamonds-and-water paradox – water is essential, but costs nothing, whereas diamonds are virtually useless, but extremely expensive – albeit in a sophisticated and subtle way. The paradox exists because, in a market economy, the value of water is set not by the total usefulness of water (infinite) or by the average usefulness of water (very large), but by the marginal value of the last drop of water consumed (very low).
Similarly, the wages and salaries of low- and high-skill workers in the robot-computer economy of the future will not be determined by the (very high) productivity of the one lower-skill worker ensuring that all of the robots are in their places or the one high-skill worker reprogramming the software. Instead, compensation will reflect what workers outside the highly productive computer-robot economy are creating and earning.
The newly industrialized city of Manchester, which horrified Friedrich Engels when he worked there in the 1840s, had the highest level of labor productivity the world had ever seen. But the factory workers’ wages were set not by their extraordinary productivity, but by what they would earn if they returned to the potato fields of pre-famine Ireland.
So the question is not whether robots and computers will make human labor in the goods, high-tech services, and information-producing sectors infinitely more productive. They will. What really matters is whether the jobs outside of the robot-computer economy – jobs involving people’s mouths, smiles, and minds – remain valuable and in high demand.
From 1850 to 1970 or so, rapid technological progress first triggered wage increases in line with productivity gains. Then came the protracted process of income-distribution equalization, as machines, installed to substitute for human legs, and fingers created more jobs in machine-minding, which used human brains and mouths, than it destroyed in sectors requiring routine muscle power or dexterity work. And rising real incomes increased leisure time, thereby boosting demand for smiles and the products of minds.
Will the same occur when machines take over routine brainwork? Maybe. But it is far from being a safe bet on which to rest an entire argument, as Thiel has.
Bradford Delong)


  1. Robots are a phenomenon of the future. Similar to the impact of globalization, robotics will cause low-skilled workers to lose their jobs. Robots are not only more efficient than humans, they also consume less and are not paid a wage making them a cheaper and better alternative. The most interesting part of the article is the diamonds-water paradox that it mentions. The idea is that water, which is essential, is cheap while diamonds, which are useless, are more expensive because the value of water is measured by the marginal value of the last drop of water consumed. Delong states in his article that workers wages and salary will be measured in a similar way. They will not be measure by the productivity of the workers but rather by comparing the wages and salaries of these workers to those with jobs outside of the robot economy. In my understanding, he suggests that while productivity will be high, wages and salaries will not. I think this may be true initially but I do believe that wages and salaries will have to rise. Even in the industrialized city of Manchester, wages and salaries eventually increased. But will "jobs involving people’s mouths, smiles, and minds – remain valuable and in high demand?" I am not sure of the answer to this question. Maybe it will or maybe it wont. However, I do agree with the article that Thiel shouldn't base his entire argument on the fact that it will.

  2. Robotic manufacturing has been an essential component of production and economics. It has helped maximize production possibilities and has replaced intensive manual labor. Even though it has put many people out of jobs, robotic labor has replaced many redundant, low paying, high risk jobs. Robotic manufacturing has significantly evolved over time but it can never fully replace human output. Not only do robotics need maintenance from time to time, they also need human oversight, intervention and brainpower. Humans have judgment, emotions and social considerations that robots are currently not able to comprehend. If a robot is defective or programmed incorrectly, it can produce flaws in its manufacturing process and not recognize it unless it has parameters to correct itself. Robotics operating with human intervention and oversight is what’s needed. The manufacturing/industrial labor force should be redirected to collaborate with robotic systems as a secondary system to ensure quality control and reduce the likelihood of inconsistencies. I believe robotics one day may have the capability to take over human brain-work but it should never solely be relied upon.

    1. It is true that robotic manufacturing has important opportunities in terms of economic development but robots are machines and they can be programmed wrongly by causing the faults in manufacturing.

  3. Technology in general has always been an imperative factor towards the growth of an economy. While robots have and will undeniably displace jobs, increase productivity, and increase income inequality, I don’t think they will fully replace the human population in terms of emotions, feelings and consciousness. Technology is growing at an exceedingly high pace but I believe that humans (or perhaps most) will always believe that the capabilities of artificial intelligence do not run further than their mechanical design. While human involvement and contribution towards the design of a robot should not be underestimated, the goal here is leave the complexity of human emotions and feelings solely for humans.
    For the purpose of this course, the real problem is not the inability to transfer human emotions to machines; it’s the growing disparity of economic affluence between countries. If we adapt to this change of a robotic workforce, how will current underdeveloped countries ever catch up? Better yet, where will their source of income (assuming that it lies in manufacturing) be derived from if job outsourcing is no longer necessary? Value in consumption will cease to exist. Currently value is meaningless as we pay a high price for items we don’t need, hence the diamond and water example depicted in the article. Robots are better off assisting human productivity rather than replacing it.

    1. Mandy,
      I think you are right. Robots cannot completely end the human workers because they can be programmed wrongly and destroy the whole manufacturing process. It is always possible but human beings have ability of fixing things. This should not be forgotten.

  4. For decades, people have been predicting how the rise of advanced computing and robotic technologies will affect our lives. On one side, there are warnings that robots will displace humans in the economy, destroying livelihoods, especially for low-skill workers. Others look forward to the vast economic opportunities that robots will present, claiming, for example, that they will improve productivity or take on undesirable jobs. The venture capitalist Peter Thiel, who recently joined the debate, falls into the latter camp, asserting that robots will save us from a future of high prices and low wages. However, it is important to understand how human beings create value. Mouths, fingers, legs and other parts of human beings create value in a way. Human beings have mind causing them to be curios and creative. I think robots cannot function like human beings and they should not take place of them. It is true that globalization hurts the wages of low skilled workers and robots are considered to replace them but I think it will not work as expected because there will be always need for the human power and intelligence. Completely robotic factories cannot be created.

  5. I found the comparison between the loss of jobs for low-skilled workers through globalization that the loss of jobs for low-skilled workers through the rise of advanced computing and robotic technology very interesting. I had never thought of the similarities in displacement of said group of workers by two different, yet comparable, sources. Similar to one of the previous posts on furniture manufacturing, innovation is not (typically) concerned with maintaining things at their previous standards; ie. innovation does not really concern itself with fairness. Instead of fighting innovation, we should chose to re-educate and aim for more highly skilled jobs. This is obviously easier said than done, and should not be left as a burden solely for low-skilled workers. Government should create programs specifically designed to target those workers who will be affected by such changes, and create opportunities / incentives / pathways for them to improve their skill set in order to attain higher skilled jobs. And while jobs will inevitably be destroyed (the advent of the computer basically eliminated the need for type-writer repairmen, but aren't you glad we have computers?) by technological advancements, I believe much like before that "...the protracted process of income-distribution equalization," will occur, " machines, installed to substitute for human legs, and fingers created more jobs in machine-minding, which used human brains and mouths, than it destroyed in sectors requiring routine muscle power or dexterity work. And rising real incomes increased leisure time, thereby boosting demand for smiles and the products of minds."

  6. In regards to the issue it is key to recognize the role of employment and the ways how robots or technology in general can replace it.

    Work is not end for itself, it is the product created and wage received for it. Disutility of labor exists and if it is smaller than the received wage, then person works. High employment is not then a goal for itself.

    Human labor will be always replaced by robots as technology progresses, always when the robot or a tool is cheaper than the wage. The new tool or technology simply outperforms the worker, i.e it is cheaper to pay for a heavy machinery then to five people with shovels. If it was the case that high employment was a good by itself, then it would mean that we should get rid of machinery and give people shovels, which is obviously a nonsense.

    However it is key to realize that this replacement of human labor by technology may be caused artificially by tampering with the free market forces. For example, if minimum wage is higher than the equilibrium for supply and demand for human labor, then the price of worker is artificially higher and it might then be suddenly profitable to get a machine instead of hiring the worker. For that reason minimum wage always hurts poor the most, because it makes them unemployable.

    Let's say that a cashier worker for CVS is worth $10/hour and there is a self-check out machine available for $12/h. Without the minimum wage, CVS will hire a cashier. However if there is a price floor on hiring a worker of a minimum wage $15/hour, then, CVS will either close the store or buy the machine.

    That is the main reason why we see so many self-check in machines in drug stores or fast food chains.

  7. Advanced computing and robotics have the potential to greatly increase efficiently and productivity in developed countries. Robots manage to consume less and produce much more than humans do. Like globalization, advanced computing has the potential to replace low-skilled workers, especially in the manufacturing sector. Some skilled jobs like programming and overseeing operations may overset some of the jobs lost in the transition. However, as technological advances continue low skilled laborers will continue to loss their jobs. I think that these laborers should not try to compete in a market where a robot has the comparative advantage but try to transition to the “mouths, smiles, and minds” occupations. The author mentions that technological advances from the 1850’s to 1970’s caused wage increases and “Then came the protracted process of income-distribution equalization, as machines, installed to substitute for human legs, and fingers created more jobs in machine-minding, which used human brains and mouths.” The author also mentions that the increase in real income and productivity causes more leisure time which increases demand for entertainment. This increased demand should provide extra jobs in service industries which can replace the jobs loss due to technological advancements. I believe that by using robots to assist humans in manufacturing and expanding the service economy, we can increase both productivity and wages.

  8. This is not surprising that we are seeing a rise in robotic technology. Back in the late 1800s and early 1900s, the machines in industry, automobiles in transportation and tractors in farming drastically reduced the need for workers. This was the leading cause of the Great Depression. Until people became educated enough and the need for factory workers became great enough to require all the available workers, the economy remained in that state. The idea that robots and computer algorithms will take jobs away from people is always going to be a common concern. Bill Gates once said earlier this year in an interview “20 years from now, the labor demand for lots of skill sets will be substantially lower.” Automation has already removed the human component in its workplaces, from building cars in factories to taking bookings in call centers. It is sort of scary to think about having to compete with a robot for a job. Robots are indeed efficient at showing high levels of productivity but the fact that jobs are going to be taken away from low-skilled individuals who need to make ends meet is quite sad. Yes, workers are needed in order to ensure that the robots are being maintained and working correctly, but jobs are going to be cut left and right and it is not necessary to have so many workers on payroll when you only need a few people to monitor the robots that are doing these jobs. We see a lot of ideas in the media today of a robot driven world in the future, and as much as it may seem ideal in certain aspects, the human role in different work settings could become really obsolete fast.

  9. This article raises a very interesting question. Would robots doing work in the workplace help or hurt our economy and our way of life? I think that there are many possible outcomes to this scenario. I agree, robots can take the place of some jobs that humans find undesirable, but will that cause cheaper prices, or an increase in unemployment, or a little of both? It is possible that it can be extremely beneficial, but I worry about those people that only have the ability to hold these types of jobs. If robots take their place, they will be left jobless and unable to take advantage of the lower cost. Since nothing like this has ever happened before, I think that is really impossible to predict something like this, and only time will tell.

  10. This article focuses on the most essential issue on labor work and growing economies; will robots take away jobs from humans. The argument raised by Thiel was very interesting and bough up very risky predictions. Using the essential diamonds and water paradox to explain his point of view where compensation will reflect what workers outside the highly productive computer-robot economy are creating and earning.
    The idea of having a high demand for smiles and the products of mind seems very much like a social stratosphere. There are already instances that have happened to use people that can do the work of a computer. For example, many companies that have calling services to tend to clients have switched back to have a person-to-person service, rather than a machine tend to a person. This happened because there was a high dissatisfaction with the service being provided for them by these machines, it was not efficient and costing the company.
    The idea that robots will take over undesirable jobs seems like it can work for developed countries such as the United States and the UK, however, what will the unemployed people from these jobs do for income? The article points mentions that “can spend their time on more valuable activities” but what are these more valuable activities? Have we discovered them yet?

  11. After reading this article, I really feel that robots will have some benefits but mostly disadvantages for humans. The replacement of workers by robots will be a cost reducing technique for businesses but that will not be good the overall economy. Currently, U.S. has high unemployment rates in each state. If the robots were introduced at this time into business, the unemployment rates will be even higher. Survival of human beings will suffer which is the most crucial point over the other reason for why we should have robots. Robots can be used for activities that are difficult for humans or for minimal activity in companies. However, they cannot be used to take over someone else's job. This has happened in history before when small business became corporate companies and mass-production was in demand. To meet these demands, machines took over work that could be done faster and helped human beings. The development of big companies produced work for laid off workers due to machines. Still this will be different because robots are not in demand and they may not only be used to help mankind but replace for them.

  12. The argument of machines replacing human labor has been going on for over a century now. However, it is better to look at machines as an addition to the workers toolbox rather than a replacement. It is true that they may reduce the need for more low-skilled workers, but they will also increase the need for high-skilled workers. However, a proper balance should be maintained. As for the articles question, "Whether the jobs outside of the robot-computer economy – jobs involving people’s mouths, smiles, and minds – remain valuable and in high demand." That cannot be known for certain. However, the fact is that machinery will never be able to replace the value of a human being. Machines cannot recognize their own error, therefore the human factor must always be present to fill that void. Perhaps the role of the low-skilled worker will evolve in such an economy.

  13. I found this article to be very interesting. I remember during my freshman year when my Econ professor brought up this topic and it spurred quite a debate in class. Will there ever be a future where robots and computers take over human jobs? Of course. We are seeing that now. We have seen a lot of jobs being outsourced to other countries because it is cheaper to work elsewhere. Having robots would be less expensive because it does not require a pay unlike humans, who require money to survive with basic needs. Robots in its minimalist sense would be useful for things that humans can't do. For example, go to Mars. We haven't been able to put a human on Mars but we already put a robot there. It might be more efficient for robots to help with things that humans can't do but it would be detrimental to our society. One of the biggest issues I see with this is that with robots taking over human jobs and humans receiving less pay or no pay at all, they wouldn't be able to feed that money back into the government. I'm sure the fact that the government does not need to pay it's robot employees to work, that would be able to keep the economy running for at least a bit. But how would humans get their incomes? Will the government supply them with free benefits? This might finally be when universal health care kicks in in this country. The human race would have problems even surviving with basic needs. In today's world, we already see a high rate of unemployment and bringing in robots would make it skyrocket.

  14. Advances in technology and machinery as a result of industrialization have consistently impacted the tasks of the human labor force for many many decades. As “smart” technology continues to rise and improve, robotic machinery has replaced many jobs that would traditionally be conducted by human, manual, labor. These machines boost efficiency, uniformity, and overall output of various goods and services. For example, when Henry Ford developed the assembly line, it made the jobs of human laborers much less draining, but did not replace labor workings completely. The assembly undoubtedly changed the way factors and manufacturers operated, but did not show any signs of creating a system that eliminated human participation. Technological advancements also create new ways for information to be shared and stored, help people to connect, and minimize the manual labor in manufacturing houses. With major technological inventions comes changes to industry, and the economy, often displacing work forces or crumbling smaller businesses. However, I do not think that we can look at technological advancements and artificial intelligence machinery as a negative. This is because we live in a world - this United States especially - that craves “the best”. Consumers always to to upgrade and keep up with new technology…just look at Apple’s strategy of releasing a new iphone about every fourteen months. To look at computers as an alternative to human labor is short-sighted. In the posting, we learn of Thiel’s experiences as the CEO of paypal and the major productivity boost that occurred when a computer algorithm was created to detect fraudulent transactions. Since the algorithm exists, Thiel could drastically reduce the amount of employees scanning transactions for fraud. Yes, people do lose their jobs from boosts in technology, but that is not a good enough reason to try to discourage technological advances. When low skill jobs are replaced by computers, people should be incentivized to obtain more complex skill sets. In turn, this promotes education and creates opportunity for more intuitive job sets.
