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Thursday, March 17, 2016
On Trade, Angry Voters Have a Point
Comment by March 31, 2016
Were the experts wrong about the benefits of trade for the American economy? The nation’s working class had another opportunity to demonstrate its political clout Tuesday, as primary voters went to the polls in Illinois and Ohio, Rust Belt states that have suffered intensely from the loss of good manufacturing jobs. Last week, the insurrection handed Michigan’s Democratic primary to Bernie Sanders while continuing to buoy the insurgent Republican candidacy of Donald Trump. Voters’ anger and frustration, driven in part by relentless globalization and technological change, may not propel either candidate to the presidency. But it is already having a big impact on America’s future, shaking a once solid consensus that freer trade is, necessarily, a good thing. “The economic populism of the presidential campaign has forced the recognition that expanded trade is a double edged sword,” wrote Jared Bernstein, former economic adviser to Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. What seems most striking is that the angry working class — dismissed so often as myopic, unable to understand the economic tradeoffs presented by trade — appears to have understood what the experts are only belatedly finding to be true: The benefits from trade to the American economy may not always justify its costs. In a recent study, three economists — David Autor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, David Dorn at the University of Zurich and Gordon Hanson at the University of California, San Diego — raised a profound challenge to all of us brought up to believe that economies quickly recover from trade shocks. In theory, a developed industrial country like the United States adjusts to import competition by moving workers into more advanced industries that can successfully compete in global markets.
They examined the experience of American workers after China erupted onto world markets some two decades ago. The presumed adjustment, they concluded, never happened. Or at least hasn’t happened yet. Wages remain low and unemployment high in the most affected local job markets. Nationally, there is no sign of offsetting job gains elsewhere in the economy. What’s more, they found that sagging wages in local labor markets exposed to Chinese competition reduced earnings by $213 per adult per year. In another study they wrote with Daron Acemoglu and Brendan Price from M.I.T., they estimated that rising Chinese imports from 1999 to 2011 cost up to 2.4 million American jobs. “These results should cause us to rethink the short and medium run gains from trade,” they argued. “Having failed to anticipate how significant the dislocations from trade might be, it is incumbent on the literature to more convincingly estimate the gains from trade, such that the case for free trade is not based on the sway of theory alone, but on a foundation of evidence that illuminates who gains, who loses, by how much, and under what conditions.” Global trade offers undeniable benefits. It helped pull hundreds of millions of Chinese out of poverty in a matter of a few decades, an unparalleled feat. It ensured Apple could benefit from China’s ample supply of cheap labor. Consumers around the world gained better priced, better made goods. Still, though trade may be good for the country over all — after netting out winners and losers — the case for globalization based on the fact that it helps expand the economic pie by 3 percent becomes much weaker when it also changes the distribution of the slices by 50 percent, Mr. Autor argued. And that is especially true when the American political system has shown no interest in compensating those on the losing side. The impact of China’s great leap into the market economy — which drew hundreds of millions of impoverished peasants into the manufacturing sector, mostly making goods for export to the United States and other wealthy nations — is waning. China’s wages are rising fast. Its exports and economy are slowing. Trade with other parts of the world has not been as disruptive. For all the criticism of Nafta, most economists assess its impact on American workers as modest. Trade flows with Mexico were smaller and more balanced than those with China. American manufacturing employment remained fairly stable in the years after Nafta came into force in 1994, plummeting only after China entered the World Trade Organization in 2001 and gained consistent access to markets in the United States. The Chinese export onslaught, however, left a scar on the American working class that has not healed. That disproportionate impact suggests Washington officialdom might do well to reassess its approach to future trade liberalization. Most important, it points to reconsidering how policy makers deal with trade’s distributional consequences. It doesn’t mean walling off the United States from the rest of the world, but it does mean learning from the experience of other advanced nations that had a much healthier response to China’s rise. Germany, for example, not only received a surge of Chinese imports, but also experienced an onslaught of imports from Eastern European countries after the collapse of the Soviet bloc. But it managed to maintain a more balanced trade because German manufacturers increased their exports to all these countries too, offsetting the job losses from import competition. Mr. Autor suggests that Americans’ low savings rate was a big part of the story, coupled with foreigners’ appetite for accumulating dollar assets, which helped keep American interest rates low and the dollar strong, in that way fueling a persistent trade deficit. But other factors were at work. Robert Gordon of Northwestern University suggested to me that Germany’s highly skilled workers were harder to replace with cheaper Chinese labor, limiting though not totally eliminating outsourcing. Germany’s stronger labor unions also put up more of a fight. Washington played its part, too. In their new book “Concrete Economics” (Harvard Business Review Press), Stephen S. Cohen and J. Bradford DeLong of the University of California, Berkeley suggest that ultimately, it was the fault of American policy choices. The United States might have leaned against China’s export led strategy, they argue, perhaps by insisting more forcefully that Beijing let its currency rise as its trade surplus swelled. It might have tried to foster the cutting edge industries of the future, as government had done so many times before, encouraging the shift from textiles to jumbo jets and from toys to semiconductors. What Washington did, instead, was hitch the nation’s future to housing and finance. But Wall Street, instead of spreading prosperity, delivered the worst recession the world had seen since the 1930s. Even at best, they write, the transformation of banking and finance has “produced nothing (or exceedingly little) of value.” So where should policy makers go from here? There are no easy answers. Tearing up existing trade agreements and retreating behind high tariff barriers — as Mr. Trump, and perhaps Mr. Sanders, would have it — would be immensely unproductive. It would throw a wrench into the works of a wobbly world economy. And reneging on international treaties would vastly complicate the international coordination needed to combat climate change. But in any future trade liberalization — including the Obama administration’s pending Trans Pacific Partnership deal, if it is to go forward at all — policy makers must be much more careful about managing the costs. Mr. Autor suggests any further deals to increase trade should be gradual, to give much more time for exposed companies and their workers to retool and shift into other jobs and sectors. Perhaps most important, the new evidence from trade suggests American policy makers cannot continue to impose all the pain on the nation’s blue collar workers if they are not going to provide a stronger safety net. That might have been justified if the distributional costs of trade were indeed small and short lived. But now that we know they are big and persistent, it looks unconscionable.
Angry Voters
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The 2016 election is more than unique in many ways. Perhaps I was blind to past elections due to my age and lack of knowledge, or the presence of social media posts regarding the election are highlighting the nominees. No matter who is inaugurated into office, the United States is making history. If you want to call me a socialist because a human life is more valuable than a dollar, then by all means I am a socialist. I do also believe that there is a very fine line, one which we have not yet found, between supporting your citizens, and giving money away for free. This plays an important role in the voting process, because one could support Trump or Sanders, whose ideas differ greatly. Or leave everything the way it is and elect Clinton. The working class majority feel the greatest impact of our trade agreements because its factory and plant workers that lose jobs by the thousands, not CEOs CFOs or whatever other acronyms corporate officers give themselves. The division of labor in the United States is immense, and the transformation of jobs moving abroad leaves both skilled and unskilled workers not knowing what to do next. The expansion of the economy is seemingly beneficial to all. If I could take a small cup of coffee and turn it into a large, why wouldn’t I? I would, assuming I’m unaware that Chinese coffee drinkers will now be consuming half of it, and I am now left with less than I would have had earlier. This election is special because we are experiencing a radical movement, and serious policy change will come into effect. The answer is not to eradicate existing policy and create new, but to work with what we have already implemented, and not only balance trade, but balance the offset of jobs from importing goods.
ReplyDeleteJust this morning there was a segment on MSNBC that elucidated how trade impacts the presidential election, showing over time how certain industries were negatively or positively impacted by trade. We know that from Stolper-Samuelson that trade brings about the winners but also the losers, and that it becomes the duty of the government to mitigate the effects of loss. In this highly politically-charged, populist-driven economic climate, we focus more and more on what the government and the economy can do for those that lose as a result of a much more integrated and liberated market system. Managing these costs are becoming more and more of a serious concern for policymakers and key decision makers, for fear of the negative externalities associated with trade. For example, while the prices over time have significantly decreased in the past fifteen years, jobs have also decreased in key industries like manufacturing that have been outsourced or swallowed due to trade practices with countries like China (explained in this article when China entered the WTO in 2001).
ReplyDeleteKey in this piece is the managing of the costs and benefits of any decision, especially when the decision affects the aggregate of society. While many people agree that trade liberalization is good for society and tariffs are often damaging, people should pay closer attention to the losers that Stolper and Samuelson warned us about at a time when trade was not as free.
We have seen the offshoring of jobs for a long time now and the policies put in place as an effort to minimize the effects of these job losses has appeared to ineffective. I think the theories and models used to depict them are too narrowly focused as evidenced by the studies done at the universities mentioned above. Both parties running in the upcoming election hold weak plans in terms of trade and would be easy to point the finger of blame to either side, but leaves us no better off than we are now.
ReplyDeleteThe over reaching hand in the economic cookie jar manipulates the essence of free trade and it inherent benefits. Low rates from the fed loosened policies to influence lending and allow companies to expand in a low growth environment. It has created a weak environment that moves markets drastically while underlying and in many cases more important factors are seemingly dead in the water. Relating this to trade is simple, tariffs or other barriers to trade will not suffice in influencing positive results of trade. It can lead to a trade war with other countries and the ultimate looser is the consumer.
The article tells us all that the benefits from trade to the American economy may not always justify by its costs. The study from David Author, David Dorn and Gordon Hanson found that wages still remain low and unemployment stays high in the most affected local job market. There is no sign at all for offsetting job gains in the economy. In addition, they also found that sagging wages reduced earnings by $ 213 per adult per year in the local labor markets exposed to Chinese competition. There are goods and bad of trade. Global trade provides tons of undeniable benefits It does not only benefit to pull hundreds of millions if Chinese out of poverty, it also ensures Apple can benefit from China’s ample supply of cheap labor. It provides better-priced and better-made goods for global consumers. However, it helps expand the economic pie by 3 percent becomes much weaker when it also changes the distribution of the slices by 50 percent.
ReplyDeleteFree trade agreements are a hot topic in the 2016 election with articles such as in the U.S news pointing out that Bernie Sanders won in Michigan recently because of his debate against Hillary Clinton's support of "disastrous trade agreements written by corporate America". Sixty percent of Michigan voters showed support of Bernie Sanders statements because free trade can possibly take away U.S jobs. The support of the Trans Pacific Partnership is making candidates such as Hillary Clinton look bad to the American people because of the possible increase in imports, but the TPP agreement also increases American-made exports which in-turn increases Americas GDP and benefits the economy. Its the question of how the agreement will be used. Its the fear that free trade agreements increases imports more than exports.
ReplyDeleteThis new understanding of the impacts of surges in international trade within the United States raises new issues to be considered for free trade agreements in the US. With so many American jobs lost due to an influx of Chinese imports has yet to be resolved leaving so many without jobs and more with low wages. These issues need to be faced with a new outlook on how free trade agreements would affect the American job market and how to deal with these issues internally. The idea of shifting jobs from one market to another to keep up with competitive international trade as yet to happen, and could be one possibility into a productive decrease in unemployment that has been caused by Chinese imports. The US needs to be more competitive in labor costs but this can only occur if we increase the labor hours in our top exports and import goods only with cheaper labor costs abroad. The current policies on free international trade are causing major issues for the US labor market that needs to be addressed, as we have seen in the presidential election.
ReplyDeleteAs the 2016 election nears, the media is putting more focus on what the different candidates stand for, specifically on whether they support the TPP. According to this article, voters are being made aware of the impacts that this election has on trade. Many fear that trade will be impacted in the sense that America would be importing more than it is exporting. The views of the candidates differ, Hillary Clinton being more passive toward larger corporate companies, which support TPP, where as candidate Bernie Sanders has a more "socialist" view regarding how the economy should be functioning. Across the board, the candidates have their own different opinions.
ReplyDeleteIncreases of international trade has been a popular topic, leading to an increase of concern regarding free trade agreements. Some of the major impacts this could have are changes in jobs. The US labor market faces the concern that jobs will be taken away from them, and shifted to workers in other countries. This leads to discussions happening regarding labor costs and the impacts. The popular opinion today is that supporting the TPP would lead to an economic decline.
When it comes to trade agreements in politics, I think the article is correct in stating that more ordinary Americans are beginning to see the impacts that trade agreements and economic policy have on their everyday lives. We've seen public support for the TPP in particular steadily decline as more Americans become cautious of its potential for negative consequences on the American economy. I personally believe that trade agreements could have substantial potential for positive economic gains for the United States, but only if implemented in a way that is strategically equitable for all signatories of the deal. The article mentioned the possibility of future trade agreements giving companies more time to prepare for their implementation, and I believe that this would be a step in the right direction. The more time that companies (export-heavy companies in particular) have to prepare, the more potential risks are hedged, which is safer all-around.
ReplyDeleteJack Salisbury | ECO-360
ReplyDeleteThe way that trade has been used as a talking point, especially by Trump and Sanders, is one of the many interesting parts of this election season.
With Trump, it is fairly obvious that his rhetoric regarding trade deficits is just a convenient soundbite that allows him to both criticize the current administration and posit that his prowess in "negotiating deals" can be the key to revitalizing the American economy. Needless to say, I don't buy it. The fact of the matter is that the US is always going to have trade deficits with certain nations, namely China, because that is part of the basic nature of trade deficits and surpluses. I have a trade deficit with hairdresser — I pay him to cut my hair, he never pays me to do anything, and we are both fine with that because we understand the nature of our relationship. Similarly, the US buys lots of cheap goods made with cheap labor from China. Does the US then expect China to turn around and reciprocate by purchasing American made goods? No. Well that is what Trump is suggesting should happen, which just doesn't make sense.
Though, despite Trump’s trade rhetoric not being based in fact and being specifically geared to be a good soundbite for poorly educated voters, it has rightfully struck a chord with a group of voters — Voters that Trump has turned into his bread and butter, if you will. These voters are people, many of them from rustbelt states, who have felt the negative impact of free trade on the US most harshly. Free trade policies coupled with globalization and technological changes has forced this group to see their jobs, many of them in manufacturing, disappear without any sign of returning. These voters have a right to be angry: The government hasn’t done its part to aid them after implementing policies and witnessing global trends that would surely devastate US manufacturing.
Even though their concern is a valid one that should be addressed, it is quite clear that rallying against free trade is not the answer. Unfortunately, serious policy proposals do not make for effective soundbites the way that baselessly declaring trade a disaster does.
The exchange motivation of organizations of both sides has been to purposely put U.S. fabricating specialists in direct rivalry with low paid laborers in the creating scene. But we have not looked to force unhindered commerce all around. We have just done it for less generously compensated and less instructed specialists. We have kept up and sometimes fortified protectionist hindrances that maintain the employments and paychecks of the most generously compensated experts.
ReplyDeleteRegardless of the amount Donald Trump rails against the TPP being the second-most noticeably awful understanding ever (Iran is #1, obviously), it's simply not that enormous an arrangement. Definitely, the IP stuff is toxic. Be that as it may, what number of voters even know what IP remains for, not to mention mind even a whit about it? Whatever is left of the understanding is a blend of OK and respectably not-OK, and that is about the most grounded passionate response I can convey to it. In the event that Congress needs to vote it down, fine. It won't have much effect. On the off chance that they vote in favor of it, that is fine as well. It won't have much effect. It absolutely hasn't touched off seething resentment among hands on specialists, and it's not going to.
Fact of the matter is that political stances, viewed by the outside looking in, namely voters, dramatically affect voter attitudes. This article discusses the people who lose their work, and how there is no zero-netting affect, as discussed in one of the past blog assignments, frankly doesn’t happen. Low skill employees lose their jobs, but can’t fit what ever “new jobs” are in fact being created by the seems of it, because there is no work force shift happening to make up for that employment loss. They exemplified this through discussing what happened when American’s started sending labor overseas to America. Yea the benefits were great to the corporate moguls trying to make a big buck, but the actual people, the bigger percentage of the population; the lesser economically capable, get screwed essentially.
ReplyDeleteProblem is, what happens when the lower end employees keep taking the hits while the fat cats keep eating well? We have a higher unemployment rate, and less economic spending, which we have discovered is what keeps us from ending up in a hole when china for example, is exporting less to us in the Unites States.
Furthermore, we have to be ready for the costs associated with major changes like trading policies on a global scale. If the U.S. is taking the bigger hit with this deal, is it smart to create higher overhead costs in association with the change?
In any case, trade has its benefits for a lot of countries. Helps balance the value of their money based on how much they are importing and exporting, does keeps people working, despite the losses we may experience, and provides good we would not have access to otherwise.